Friday, August 26, 2011

Another First

Thanks go out to the many callers and guests who have expressed concern during the last few days about the upcoming storm and our prospects here.  We are prepared.

The flags came down two days ago and the lightest of the furniture in the yard has joined the grill in the runway.  Water and batteries and a new crank flashlight/radio (with an alarm button Haley seems to enjoy) have been stock piled.  Anything that needs to be charged up has been charged up, phones, computers, Ipods, electric screwdriver. I have planks if I need planks.  We are good to go.

An usual twist has been that there is a great big storage container in the driveway for the household items that normally are wedged into the Utility Room.  That came in handy for rafts and the like. The renovation of that room began this week and so far so good is the summary.  The archaeology of the project has revealed a painted on dart board with the names of Belz and Igge, a bottle cap from a LaSalle Club Orange Soda, several pieces of old leather and a boot heal nailed to the wall above.  The other items are pictured below.

I had never heard a word about the Utility Room being used as a cobbler shop, until Monday morning when plumber extraordinaire Tom Galligan threw it out as a given. He said one of his brothers told him. We did know of it being a store and I went to Town Hall Wednesday and tracked down all the store licenses from 1925 to 1939. The 1928 license is below.

Notice the list:  "Ice Cream, confectionary, soda water & fruit."  Bernice Cushman held the license until 1937 when Cora Cobbett took it over until 1939.

Another story confirmed is that the wing once took fire.  At several points charring was discovered and this confirmed a story told to me only a few weeks ago.  A one time neighbor, Joe Arena, shared that his father once got Jamie and Jesse Turner out of the Cottage after a lightning strike.  The boards are on the floor behind me as I write.  Between that and the old wire in place, and countless other opportunities for the match to have struck,  it is a flat out miracle that we are having this birthday.

One last note on being prepared for the storm ahead while construction is taking place.  Tonight, in what was a first for me,  I used ratchet straps to lash a Porta Potty to the Storage Container to offer some protection against it tipping over in the wind.  Ratchet straps and Porta Potty; I never dreamed I would ever use them in the same sentence.

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