Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting the Ink

I love the ink.  

Emily Sweeney of the Boston Globe had an article out on March 19th in the Globe South section of the paper about us moving in here and about the history of the Light.  She included a tremendous video of a quick tour I gave.  I was somewhat concerned about that until I saw it.  She managed to make this old guy look okay.  And it is not every day that I get to see the white spot on the back of my head that Haley calls the whale.

The feedback from the article has been fantastic.  My colleagues and my students have a glimpse into what we are into over here.  This home has so many stories; this neighborhood has even more. We are going to keep on telling them in every forum we can find.

Thank you Ms. Sweeney from the New Lightkeeper.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day One and after

Monday February 16.

The morning was as gray as Bill Belichek's hoodie at 6:15 as I stood at the kitchen sink muttering that waking up in this cottage was nothing short of a miracle. The gray was then broken up by spokes of coral colored light, lightning flashes of sun breaking through the bar of clouds. Leaning forward was all I could do; I was pulled in by the sparkle on the water, by the suddeness of the whole thing.

Painters, electricians, cable set up, phone set up, marked the rest of the day (and the rest of the week.) Furniture was placed and boxes unpacked. Lots of questions emerged and there were even some answers discovered. The transformation over the week was fantastic to see. (Those pictures will be shared soon)

At the end of the day I needed to take down the flag in the Lighthouse Park lot. As I was unwinding the line and bringing the colors down, a young man in battle fatigues got out of his car and stood at attention, then saluted the flag. Noticing this over my shoulder I grew a coconut in my throat. I never anticipated that response in this new role. Finishing the job I thanked the young man who told me no thanks were neccessary. Day one was quite a day to start and quite a day to finish.

New Spot for the Blog from Now On

 This site has been a good friend for the past 12 plus years but it has its limitations.  To address those limitations I have set up a new w...