Last Saturday marked the closest passing of the moon to the earth in 18 years. The first cameras arrived at 5:10 for a 7:15 moon rise. I had been anticipating the angles for 10 days and thought I had my spots picked out. I had two film cameras ready and the digital on a tripod to move around with me in the car. The film is still in the camera so I can't fill you in on those results just yet. There was a collective gasp as the moon rose and I was in the Tower. The first shot below has an orange glow that will stick with me as unusual. What you see on the left of the image is the Light as it turned. The second is a long exposure I got two hours into the event.

A better view of the real story was sent to me by a colleague. Kevin Black is a long time Whitman Hanson teacher who clearly has a handle on photography. The collage below is made from two different images.

When I went out to count how many people had gathered I got up to 150 before I stopped counting. Once again this is the place to gather when nature presents the fantastic.
The story the next day was of a seal on the beach. Haley took the shots you see.

This guy (or girl, for all I know) was about 40 inches long, grey, brown and white. He sunned himself on the rocks for twenty minutes or so then maneuvered himself around for a swim away. He headed toward Jericho Road happily it seemed. I had thought we were past the season for such a visit. I was pleased to be surprised.