On a Sea Cruise.
The Scituate Historical Society Lighthouse cruise is in the morning - a perfect kick off to the summer here at Cedar Point. More than 200 will board from the pier at 10:00 and visit surrounding lights in the course of a three hour cruise. Haley and I will be aboard taking pictures and video clips to post later. Come on back to check them out.
Lots of gardening and lots of reading here at the Keeper's Cottage. Haley has a series going and I am all over the literary map now that correcting has been laid down for the summer. One thing I have learned in my reading about the first Keeper Simeon Bates, and through the donations made by his descendants, there were always books here. Keeper Bates had wealth enough to provide his family with books and the steady voice evident in the affidavits left by Abigail and Rebecca give further reason to believe the family was well read. Between watering and weeding there is time for digging into mysteries and histories. If we could just find a cure for the rabbit that is cutting down every other hosta and all the brussel sprouts we would have it all covered.
Our first open house of the season is Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00. As I have posted before, the artist Donna Elias will return to Old Scituate Light. Donna has generously forwarded some new T Shirts which will be on sale at the open house along with her wide variety of Lighthouse masterworks from the Lights around the country. You can also take a chance on the annual Historical Society Quilt raffle when you come by.
Late last week we had guests on the beach enjoying a rare hobby. George and his son David were visting family here in Scituate while on vacation from Northern California and came down to the beach to sail, by remote, this neat boat. Julie got this shot on the perfect day. A day earlier they had braved rougher waters and darker skies. The boat had taken on some damage and they had had to manage some repairs. Call it another kind of sea cruise or some nice folks doing cool stuff in front of the Old Light.