Monday, March 25, 2013

Stones and Sticks

Time to post some before and after shots of the Light cleaned up.  There is still some work to do on the Harbor side but the parking lot and the yard are nearly restored to full health. From top to bottom you see the yard then and now, the small garden by the fence with a new wall, and the rose bushes buried then dug out.

There remains some work to be done but I will get there.  A new wheel barrow is called for and I will track one down soon.  I fixed the metal rake that has been doing most of the work today.  I felt like a sea mosser as I worked that beauty all weekend.  We will have the place in shape for the brides, the tourists, and the townies soon enough.

There was one young man who found a way to take advantage of the mess.

For the record, she said yes and they ran off quite happily out of the cold on Saturday morning.

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